Om mig

Mitt foto
Amature Photographer, Bohemian Music-lover & Bookworm, Childish Mother, Crazy Catlady, General Nerd, Happy Wife, Hopeful Student, Hypochondric & OCDing Hikikomori, Kimono Cosplayer, Proud Gamer, Whimsy Wannabe-writer.

fredag 7 oktober 2011

Kickoff in the forest

On 2011-09-14 the whole school went away on a kickoff to Mäja fäbodar at Mäjasjön and then took a walk to the top of Äskjaberget. Of course I had my camera with me.

The weather was not that good and it was raining from time to time but it gave me a chance to take some really cool pictures of rain distorting the reflection of the trees in forest-pond. I also tried to take pictures of fire for the first time.

There were so much to take pictures of at the lake and the mountain and the forest around the area. I took over a 100 photos and here is 55 of them.

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