Om mig

Mitt foto
Amature Photographer, Bohemian Music-lover & Bookworm, Childish Mother, Crazy Catlady, General Nerd, Happy Wife, Hopeful Student, Hypochondric & OCDing Hikikomori, Kimono Cosplayer, Proud Gamer, Whimsy Wannabe-writer.

lördag 8 oktober 2011

Autumn or Spring?

For this photo-shoot I had help from my little girl Hanna, Here she is:

Hanna has written Höst, Autumn in Swedish, using sticks and leaves.

It's fascinating with autumn, how everything withers and decays as the days grow colder, but also how summer suddenly tries to strike back. It's 2011-10-02 and Mother nature is a bit confused; a sudden heatwave is causing dandelions to bloom among the fallen leaves.

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